Let's talk about wakes. Wakes. I don't like going to wakes. Not because I find it inconvenient, but because I know that going to one means that someone close to me lost someone so dear to them.
Sometimes I don't know the person who passed away, but when I see how sad and hurt those they have left, it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart even more when I had the the chancr to meet / know the one who passed away.
This month, 2 of my close friends lost someone who is so dear to them. One lost her child, the other lost her father.
It takes a while to accept and to stop questioning. It takes time for one to realize that we did our best to make sure they stay longer.
Cancer is a bitch. Hospital negligence is a bitch.
I remember when my Grandpa died, I was in 5th grade. It broke my heart. I always felt like I had to throw up. It's like having someone punching me in the heart. The person who taught me how to bike and swim, who went Easter Egg hunt with me left without saying goodbye.
11 years later I felt the same when my Nanay died. The person who'd give me extra baon, go with me to the guidance office when I'm in trouble, the first person I introduced my first boyfriend to is gone. The sad part about that is that she didn't know who I was months before she was gone. Alzheimer's a bitch.
I am just really sad. As a mother, everyday is battle to make sure that nothing bad happens to my daughter. As a daughter everyday is a chance to show your parents how much you love them.
Time can be a bitch, yes. But love and compassion can make up for it if you maximize every moment you spend with your loved ones.
Maybe I should stop.
I'll blog more starting now.